Did you know that dogs are one of the best mental health boosters?
One of the main benefits dogs have on mental health is the fact that they encourage exercise! Getting out for a simple walk can help boost your mood and ward off depression. Getting outside helps your brain get more oxygen which in turn helps all the body’s functions. Dogs open the opportunity to relax and have a minute of peace.
Caring for a dog also gives a sense of purpose and a feeling of being needed. They give us a sense of security and peace of mind. Dogs also help maintain a regular routine, which is proven to help with anxiety and depression. The simple routine of caring for a dog has also been shown to help kids and youth with ADHD and ADD because of the responsibility and method of dispersing energy. Dogs are also known to be amongst the very best listeners and they offer unconditional love.
Getting out with your dog often gives you a chance to socialize with other dog owners and lovers. The confidence that dogs can give their human is astounding! They act as a shield and a window to opportunity. Dogs give us common grounds and makes socializing easier. Plus they are always a good excuse for when the conversation gets dry.
Our canine friends also help our mental health by teaching us a little mindfulness. They show us that the little things are what makes us happy. Watching my dogs laying on the warm cement in the hot sun always makes me happy. Playing fetch for hours on end shows us how simple life can be.
In these hectic days, mental health cannot be helped enough! I am not saying for anxiety, depression, ADHD, ECT all you need is a dog, but I am saying if little things help, a good dog will do wonders. Breathe a little easier, stress a little less, get a dog. @simply.kenzie