Preacher is a very loving dog he wants to be in your bubble all the time if you let him. He is great with people and doesn’t have a mean bone in him. He likes to hunt and is a great natural retriever and is true to the Vizsla breed and likes to push his boundaries even when he knows the rules. Preacher has been OFA hip and elbow tested and was good and normal.

Annie is a bigger female and is very mellow and laid back for a vizsla she is never far away when you are outside with her. She definitely thinks she is the boss. Annie hunts closer and is very slow at working in on bird scent so she bumps very few birds. Annie is a good mother and raises some really nice puppies.

Jane loves to be in the house hanging with us on her place mat. She is a active dog who likes to stay busy physically and mentally. She has strong bird drive and loves to hunt. Jane is an amazing mother and if it was up to her she would probably never wean her puppies.

Pearl is Annie and Preachers daughter and will be the 2nd generation of our dogs. She has showed great temperament like her mom and dad. Is obedient and has strong bird drive pointed her 1st wild bird at 4 and 1/2 months. Pearl is great with the kids because of her laid back personality and we have high hopes for her and her future pups.

Covey is a wirehaired Vizsla. Covey loves to snuggle and be with people. Covey can be found with something in her mouth most of the time wanting to play fetch with anyone.