Looking for a Beagle Breeder that sales Beagle puppies in Oregon? If so then you are in luck. I recently purchased a blue/silver Beagle from a Beagle breeder in Portland Oregon.
Suzy is a Beagle breeder from Portland Oregon. You can view her Beagles on her facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/suzy.buerer.
She has two Beagles and both are classic tricolor Beagles. Meaning that they are both black, white and tan.
However they are both carriers of the recessive silver gene. So there is a 1 in 4 chance, that they will throw a silver Beagle with each litter.
Suzy sells good looking Beagle puppies in Oregon. If you take a look at her facebook page, you will see some of her past litters.
Not only are her Beagles unique, but they are also great puppies, at least the puppy I received from her has been great.

Dipper is a friendly loving Beagle who tries hard to be a good boy.
With a bit of training and patience, he is coming along great. In fact, I am well pleased with the dog he is turning out to be.
Suzy was a pleasure to work with as well. She was quick to responded to questions, and conducted herself with professionalism.
She provided a package that contained information about each puppy and their great heritage. Each package comes with information on AKC as well as registration papers.
Registration papers are important. It gives the owner a way to register their new puppy with the AKC as well.
Once again if your are looking for some Beagle puppies for sale in Oregon, then I would highly recommend Suzy from Portland Oregon.
You can also check out my own website: Idaho Jacobson Kennel. I sale baby beagle puppies as well. I might not be from Oregon but we are neighboring states and I would love to hear from you as well.