Have you notices that your beagle has had itchy ears lately? You might be wondering, what is causing this. Well that is what we are here to discuss.
Now before we begin, it is common for people to think that beagles are more prone to ear problems because of their long ears. This is simply not true. In general beagles are a pretty healthy dog that if taken care of, will not suffer from much health problems.
That includes ear problems. However even with the best of care, ear problems can still occur in any dogs, even beagles.
Having said that, I will now discuss three common issues that might be causing your beagle’s ears to itch.
Beagles and Ear Mites!

Ear mites are small nasty little bugs that likes to live within dogs ears. These insects will feed off of the earwax and oil found inside the ears. The warm protected environment of the ear, is the perfect spot for these bugs to multiple and thrive.
Ear mites come from the same family as spiders and ticks. Even though they live inside the ear, they do not bite. However that does not mean that they cannot be dangers to your beagle.
Ear mites will irritate the ears of a beagle. This will cause a beagle to scratch at their ears. As they continue to scratch, it can cause significant damage to the outer ear including open wounds. They can develop open cuts which can leads to infections.
Any open wound on a dog is not good. An open wound, even on the ear of a beagle, can provides a pathway for viruses and bacteria. These microscopic organisms can lead to sickness and infections to your beagle.
If you think you beagle suffer from ear mites, then take them to a vet. The sooner the better, since ear mites can easy be spreed from dog to dog or from dog to cat.
It is also important to remember that ear mites usually come from other animals or pets. So if your beagle does have ear mites, it is a good chance that they pick them up from another animal.
Make sure you check all your pets, so you can get ride of these bugs once and for all.
Seasonal Allergies Might Cause Itchy Ears In Your Beagle!
Scratching and biting is an hallmark signs of seasonal allergies in dogs. Dogs absorb allergens via the skin, so it is the first place that reacts to allergies.
Beagles are not immune to allergies. They can have an allergenic reaction to their environment or to the food that they eat.
If your beagles is extremely sensitive to allergens it can causing server scratching or biting not only on the ears but all over their body. Your beagle will ether scratch at their ears or bit at their rears. Sometimes the itching can become so server that they will bite or scratch themselves until they bleed.
If your beagle allergies gets this bad, then seek medical attention. These wounds will most likely not heal until the allergen is taken care of. Until the allergy is under control, they will continue to nip at themselves. This constant nipping and scratching will cause infections, which can only make the problem worse.
If you believe that the allergy is a food allergy instead of a environmental allergy then try switching dog food. It is tough to tell the difference between seasonal and food allergies.
If you believe it is a food allergy then make sure you pay close attention to your beagle upon switching dog food. You may have to try multiple dog foods before you notice a difference.
Finding the right type of dry dog food to feed your beagle can prove difficult. You can check out my other posted titled What to Feed a Beagle Puppy for some ideas.
Ear Infection in a Beagle
- Ear infections – This is an especially common allergic reaction for dogs with floppy ears such as basset hounds or beagles. Symptoms of ear infections include:
- Head shaking
- Red ears
- Waxy ears
- Discomfort
Ear infections can be painful and even dangerous, so it’s best to get them medical attention as soon as possible.
Dogs with floppy ears might struggle more with ear infections then short ear dogs. The reason being is that dogs with floppy ears are not properly dried after they get wet.
Improper drying can lead to a moist environment in the outer ear of the dog. This damp environment is perfect for bacteria to grow until it causes issues inside your dogs ear.
With beagles, along with any dogs, make sure you always dry their ears properly after they get wet. This in turn will help lessen the chances of itchy ears due to infection in your beagle.