Does a Beagle puppy have different sleeping habits then other puppies? Of course the answer is no. These puppies are like all other puppies in that they require a lot of rest.
Young Beagle puppies can sleep between 18 to 20 hours per day. As they age, they will require less hours of sleep. An adult Beagle may only require 9 to 14 hours of sleep.
Once a puppy hits their first birthday, their sleeping habits should be pretty set.
There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to establishing good sleeping habits for your Beagle puppy.
Dogs Sleep Cycle
The site, Nectar Sleep, does a great job in explaining the difference between a dogs sleep cycle verses a humans. However if you do not want to read their article, I will summarize it below.
Nectar states that a big difference between dogs and humans is that “humans sleep in long stretches at nights… dogs, on the other hand, sleep long hours in total, but they sleep in little increments.”
During the increments, they enter rem sleep in less then 10 minutes and go into a deep sleep. However, it is important to remember, that even in a deep sleep a dogs senses are on high alert. They can awake from any sleep fully alert and ready to go.
How to Develop Good Sleeping Habits for Your Beagle.
The key to helping your Beagle puppy develop good sleeping habits is consistency. Beagles are an active dog by nature, however they also have the ability to adjust to any environment.
A consistent schedule works well with Beagles. You should feed, exercise and play with your Beagle puppy every day. It should be apart of their daily routine. Bed time should also be part of that routine. A Beagle puppy that gets put to bed the same way and time every night, will develop good sleeping habits.
If a Beagle gets thrown off their schedule or they do not get proper exercise, it can mess with their sleeping habits. If your Beagle puppy is struggling with bedtime, try these simple things.
- Develop a daily routine.
- Put your Beagle to bed the same time in the same way every night.
- Make sure they are getting the proper exercise they need throughout the day. This will help tire them out.
- Make sure the are being properly feed. A Beagle that is hungry, will struggle sleeping.
Making small changes in your Beagles daily activity will help out greatly in developing good sleeping habits for them.