Vizsla Beagle Mix! Beagle Vizsla Mix!

A Vizsla Beagle mix puppy usually comes from a Vizsla mother and a Beagle father. Appearance wise, they usually look a lot like a Vizsla but their face can be somewhat similar to a Beagle.

The vizsla beagle mix is usually very friendly and a good family dog that needs plenty of love, attention, and exercise. You have to remember that this dog is a cross between a tracker and a pointer, so they are bred to go.

Vizsla Beagle mix puppy at 4 months old!

Here at Jacobson Kennel we only did this cross one time and we have no plans on doing it again. That one time was a special situation were we had a smaller Vizsla named Tesla.

She was a direct sister to the Vizsla stud that we had at the time. Given her size, we decided to cross her with our beagle stud. The above picture is a pup from that cross. Also here is a gallery of all the puppies from that litter back in 2022.

Female 1

Vizsla Beagle Puppy female 1
Female 1

Female 2

Vizsla Beagle Puppy Female
Female 2

Male 1

Vizsla Beagle Puppy
Male 1

Male 2

Vizsla Beagle Puppy
Male 2

Male 3

Vizsla Beagle Puppy
Male 3

Male 4

Vizsla Beagle Puppy
male 4

Male 5

Vizsla Beagle Puppy
Male 5

Male 6

Vizsla Beagle Puppy
Male 6

We’re sorry that we no longer offer this cross.

If you want to know more about this breed you can visit where they discuss a Vizsla Beagle mix puppy in a lot more detail.

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