We spend a lot of time with our dogs in the field during hunting season hunting pheasant, huns, and chukars, chukars being our preference. On cold days with freezing temperatures for hours on end in some of the steepest and rocky terrain that you can find, these dogs persevere through it all, hoping for just one more covey to point. Their bird drive continues even throughout the off-season as you can commonly find them running around our back yard from tree to tree eagerly searching for birds. They get lots of bird contact and hunting practices through this behavior, as there are many birds available for training. Bird drive is a part of these dog’s blood. The dogs enjoy their country life-style. At every opportunity they slip up to the barn, hoping for a tasty treat of good ol’ milk.
Our Annie Girl came to us not too long after our first child and the two are the best of pals. Anne is a very mild and sweet dog. She loves affection and attention. She has a hard time remembering not to be in your face all the time. Although she is mild she is a heck of a hunter. She comes from a good line of proven hunters. She continues to learn more each year. With the departure of Kodiak, Annie will become the dog that we rely on to put birds in the bag.
Preacher is our stud dog. Preacher is the cutest puppy and loves to play. He found some bird drive one day when he discovered our pen chukars. Now he won’t leave them alone! Preacher loves our kids and loves to be the center of attention.Preacher has been DNA tested and OFA hip and elbow was normal and good.
We have loved watching these dogs grow. We have loved being a part of their journey. We pride ourselves in raising good quality dogs that will make great hunting or family companions. We would love to hear from you! You can follow our dogs and their adventures on Instagram @ jacobsonvizslas. Also check out some of our videos under the blog tab.


2019 Pheasant Hunt in Montana

2018 Pics