When it comes to a Beagles temperament, for the most part they’re an adorable fun loving dog, who loves adventure. They are also a great family dog, as they are loyal and very friendly.
If you have the patience, you can train a Beagle to do quite a lot. You can even train a Beagle to fetch. You can see my Beagle fetching in the post titled, Do Beagles Play Fetch? They have a way to win your affection as they look up at you with with their big brown adorable puppy eyes.
There are however, a few things to keep in mind. Beagles are hound dogs, they love to follow their nose and go on the hunt. When they catch a sent, which is quite often, they will drop everything and go chasing after it. Once they are in tracking mode, they are very hard to call back and control.
Due to their love to follow a scent, it can make them appear to have a very short attention span. There have been a few times where I have been playing fetch with my Beagle and she got interrupted by some unknown smell. I found myself throwing the ball, my Beagle would go to retrieve it, then half way there she would take off on an alternate route. Once this happens, I find it best to just put the ball away for another day.
Watching a Beagle trying to track down a scent can be a very neat experience, but it depends on where you are at and what you are doing. If you are at a busy dog park and your Beagle takes off it can be a bit nerve racking. You fear for there safety.
On the other hand, if you are in a wide open area, I find nothing more fascinating then watching my Beagle pick up a scent. In this situation I do my best to let them run as I try to keep up with them. I love letting a Beagle be what they are meant to be.
Conclusion on Beagles Temperament.

So how is a Beagles temperament? In reality you could not ask for a better dog if you keep in mind what you are buying, a small cute little adorable hound who loves adventure. You have to be able to stay calm and have a lot of patience when you work with a Beagle.
At times they will push you to your limits and you will find yourself saying “Why did I ever get a Beagle.” At that moment your Beagle will look up at you as if they understand, and give you their famous big brown doughy eyed stare. Your frustration will melt way, and once again you will be glad that you went with the adorable Beagle.